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Residential Window Cleaning – Interior window cleaning, should you do it yourself or Hire Edmonton Window Cleaners?

Residential Window Cleaning – Interior window cleaning, should you do it yourself or Hire Edmonton Window Cleaners?

9 Sep

Residential Window Cleaning – Interior window cleaning, should you do it yourself or Hire Edmonton Window Cleaners?

Dirty windows can reduce the amount of natural light by 40%, sometimes even more. Much like going around your home and pulling the curtains on half of your windows: leaving dirty windows will darken your home. Don’t forget more than half your glass is in the interior which means work and lots of it. When you count Shower glass, mirrors, light fixtures and fireplaces; even cabinet glass and interior glass doors!

Its all about curb appeal but you need the right cleaners and skills to deliver perfect windows.

Keeping all the glass in your home clean and sparkling doesn’t have to be a chore when you know the best way to clean each piece.
Window Washing ServicesWindow Cleaning Service Edmonton

Step-by-Step Glass Cleaning

Interior windows and glass doors: Simple soap solution applied with a micro hand mop squeegeed clean with crisp professional rubber, towel dry edges where the glass meets the frame – don’t streak! No matter what you do, never ever clean windows with newspaper. Old tales speed widely but Edmonton Window Cleaners would never use news paper. The low-quality paper pulp and transferrable inks might leave your glass – and hands – looking worse than before ever.

Mirrors: Not sure how to clean a mirror without streaks? Same as windows – nothing works like professional grade squeegee in the hands of a professional grade window cleaning technician!

Shower stalls: There are fewer tougher things than soap scum and hard water spots to get off glass. you need dedicated cleaners to scrub these surfaces clean and not arm the glass. Tempered glass scratches like no other glass. Never use razor blades or anything abrasive if you want these sheets of glass to stay scratch free.

Fireplaces: Creosol burnt onto fireplaces are a tough challenge but Edmonton Window Cleaners keeps specific cleaners for fireplace glass on hand at all times! Yes thats right – fireplace glass cleaner – who would have thought?!

Light fixtures: Edmonton Window Cleaners love to get right up there and get into all those hard to reach spots and pull cobwebs, shine glass and towel dry fixtures back to perfection.

When you get both sides of the glass you are assured a perfect result. We will ask you to examine each pane of glass, there is nothing like a second set of eyes and we love touch ups. Our work quality is second only to safety, we love streak free glass, guaranteed every time!