Things to Consider Before Hiring for Commercial Window Washing In Edmonton
Things to Consider Before Hiring for Commercial Window Washing In Edmonton
When looking for commercial window washing Edmonton one should consider a number of things:
1. Select an established commercial window cleaning business.
2. Choose a business with a safe work history.
3. Select a local business.
4. Read Google reviews.
5. Ask about the employees.
6. Specifics on window cleaning Methods.
Let’s examine this in detail so you can make an informed decision to select the best window washer Edmonton:
1. Select an established commercial window cleaning Edmonton business,
Experience is number one. Edmonton Window Cleaners has been washing commercial windows since 1999.
2. Choose a business with a safe work history,
Since Edmonton window cleaners started cleaning commercial windows have never had a WCB claim. In a high-risk injury industry like commercial window cleaning Edmonton safety is everything. Length litigation and the emotional tole of having an injury occurring on your property and be devastating.
3. Select a local business,
Up to 64% of your money goes right back into the local economy when you support Edmonton window cleaning if you support our commercial window cleaning Edmonton.
4. Read Google reviews,
Edmonton window cleaners has a 100% satisfaction guaranteed policy and we do a quality walk through every time. Our Google review always stays in the 5-star elite category.
5. Ask about the employees,
Happy successful employees do good work. Our employees are treated well. We here reports of franchises that offer tiny percentages where employees have to work like crazy to make minimum wage. Our employees start at $17/hr and go up from there QUICKLY. Training is extensive and commercial window cleaners are certified in internationally trained programs. They can earn up to 40% of the day’s gross or $40/hr. These are top-quality professionals.
6. Specifics on window cleaning Methods,
Commercial window washing Edmonton methods are not equal. Bosun chairs (man on a swing dangling from a building) is an outdated method. It’s unsafe and while still technically, legally permissible in Alberta is dangerous when compared to rope access window cleaning. Edmonton Window Cleaners has been certifying our technicians for a decade in this method and were pioneers in this technique.
Whether it is Edmonton Window Cleaners or another company ensure you are asking the hard questions so you can have a safe, top-quality job done on your building.